Six healthy eating tips that are far better than “doing a detox”
Detox juices and diets go through various stages of popularity, whether it is from celebrity endorsement, or people thinking they are going to get great results from a juice mixture. Ultimately, any results that someone gets from a detox are superficial at best. A lot of what you see in your results is simply water weight leaving your body, and not actually a “real result”. Not only does that mean that you aren’t generally getting any real results, but you are flushing something out of your system that your system actually needs. Now, this doesn’t include removing unnecessary things from your life, like alcohol or caffeine, but more swapping actual who foods for juice mixtures.
If you are healthy, your body is more than capable of ridding your body of toxins on its own. It does this all the time, throughout your entire life. Swapping your normal diet to juice mixtures isn’t going to change that, or make it work better. In the majority of cases, swapping real foods for juices will often cause you to miss nutrients that your body requires, and will cause more issues than it is supposed to solve.
Instead of resorting to these juice mixtures, removing unnecessary toxins from your life is always going to be a better option. When it comes to weight loss, there are also far better things that you can focus on to get a healthy, sustainable result. The key for any long term result is to be consistent with something sustainable, and swapping meals for juices simply isn’t that.
So, here are some tips which will give you a better result, and don’t warrant any strange restrictions!
Focus on portion size. There’s no need to cut foods out entirely, especially foods you love like bread and pasta. However, having sensible amounts of them will work wonders!
Eat more veggies. At every single meal, aim to include a mix of vegetables (not including starchy vegetables – these are still important, but don’t need to be had with every meal)
Eat more wholegrains. Whole grains have a lower glycaemic index than refined grain, which means you’re going to feel fuller for longer and give your more sustained energy. That means you will be less likely to feel like snacking on something sugary!
Include a source of protein at every meal. This is a huge one. Not only will this help you to feel fuller for longer also, but will also cause your metabolism to go up more. Proteins take more than twice the energy from your body to break down as carbs or fats, so including a good portion of protein with each meal will actually make you burn more calories consistently!
Fill up on fibre. Again, it’s super satisfying, so if you eat more of it, you’re not going to be so focused on what to eat next. Fruit, veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds are wonderful sources of fibre.
Don’t forget to exercise. While weight loss is mainly determined by food intake, and exercise only makes up a small amount of calorie burn, it also adds in an important factor for sustained weight loss! Exercise builds lean muscle mass, which increases your metabolism! Not only this, but when someone is exercising regularly, they just feel better in general, and are usually less likely to feel like they should go and binge on a packet of chips!
These are some of my top tips for making weight loss easier, without bothering with the “juice detox!
Still unsure of what you should be doing? Reach out to us and we can organize a time to chat with you free of charge, to see how we can improve your diet to either lose weight or gain muscle, all in our private studio in Bowen Hills!
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