New Start PT’s Top 5 Tips To Complete Your Fitness Resolutions
Its that time of year again when people set their goals and resolutions for the year. I hear a lot of “New Year New Me” type things being said, which is a great way for people to set themselves up for achieving new things. Sadly though, when it comes to fitness resolutions, the number of people that drop off or decide that “it was too hard, maybe next year” is a lot higher than the people that make it all the way through. These people go through the same internal battle every year, with the goal to lose weight and get fit just getting pushed back every year. This is something I hate seeing, and want to help stop. Below are the top 5 bits of advice I can give people for staying on track and achieving their goals!
Set small goals
Most people set out trying to achieve their ultimate fitness goals. I don’t blame them, I like to have the end in mind and go for it! The problem with this though, is that this end goal is the reason half the people stop. Wanting to lose 30kg, for some people, is enough to make them second guess and think that it will be too hard. And to be honest, 30kg does sound like a lot of weight to lose. But losing 5kg every 6 weeks doesn’t; it sounds very achievable, and I know that almost anyone can do that if they set themselves up correctly. From there, it is just a matter of setting the 6 week goal at the end of each 6 week block. Before the year is even three quarters through, the 30kg will have been lost!
Reward yourself for staying on track and hitting targets
There is nothing worse than craving certain foods but having it in the back of your head that if you cave in, the resolution is over. While constantly caving in to bad foods will most certainly make it difficult, and in some cases, yes, impossible, breaking out every now and then won’t. In fact, rewarding yourself after you hit targets will actually make it easier to keep going. Think of it like this; you love eating pizza, but you know that if you do that once a week, you are going to ruin your hard work through the week. But, if you set yourself the goal, like above, that once you like 5kg, then you can eat a whole pizza, then it won’t be a problem at all! Once you have finished and enjoyed that, or whatever your particular craving is, you can re-set the goal that your next reward is in 5kg! Doing this will make each small target from above even more rewarding when you reach them!
Lock into something for at least 12 weeks
While the above two points work well for someone who is self-motivated, not everyone is blessed in that department. For those that aren’t, committing to something via a minimum term can also work very well. The first 6 weeks for most people are the hardest, because that is the time when it is all about setting a new routine. If those routines aren’t stuck to, then they fall by the wayside very quickly, and old habits creep back in. When you are “forced” to stick to new habits, they soon become very easy to stick to, and sometimes even easier to maintain than the old ones!
Have someone that keeps you accountable
While some people are fine on their own with training, there are others who are constantly in the mindset of “I need to have a personal trainer near me at all times or I won’t succeed”! Everyone can start off with this working with a friend! If you have a friend that is also wanting to get fitter or lose some weight for their resolutions, then joining up with them will work wonders for staying on track! Each person can help keep the other accountable to keep pushing through when motivation starts to decline. Even more so, when you go out together, you will be there to make sure the other doesn’t ruin their hard work!
Now, what works even better than 1 friend to keep you accountable? Lots of friends all working together to get great results and keep each other accountable! Groups of friends training together often get much better results, because of the above reason, but also because there will almost always be someone in the group who gets more competitive and makes everyone push harder!
Train with a Personal Trainer
I left this one until last because I wanted to put a special emphasis on it. While all the above tips work great for 99% of the population, there will always be some people who just can’t make it happen. Seeing the right trainer helps people get results much faster, because the trainer knows exactly what each person needs to be doing to achieve their desired results. I have personally seen plenty of people who achieve their goals within 12 weeks, and go on to set and achieve new goals that they didn’t even would be possible for them when they first started out. To help even further, while some friends would feel bad about harassing someone for not showing up for a training session at 5am, I can guarantee a Trainer would not, and will make sure that if it happens once, it will be the only time. To find a trainer that will be good for you, start with what you want to achieve, and in what setting. Once you know the answer to the above questions, Googling something like “personal trainer near me” or “personal trainer Bowen Hills (or whatever suburb you are in)” will give you a good list to start looking through!
So there are my top 5 tips for staying on track. If you have already tried the first 4, and still haven’t reached the weight or fitness, then get in contact. I can guarantee that this will be the last year you need to make the resolution to lose weight and get fit!
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